► Lower limb
Pelvis, development
Fig. 1239
Pelvis, Pelvis, and femur, Femur;
AP-radiograph of a female, premature baby
(eighth month of pregnancy).
Osseous roof of the acetabutum
** Y-shaped junction in the acetabular fossa
***The ossification centre in the head of the femur does not appear
before the third to fifth month of life.
At this age, both greater trochanters onty become apparent as small
protuberances of the bone of the diaphysis.
Os ilium
Vertebrae sacrales
Trochanter major+
Symphysis pubica
Os pubis
Foramen obturatum
Os ischii
Trochanter minor+
Femur, Diaphysis
C a rtila g o
e p ip h ys ialis
Fig. 1260
Pelvis, Pelvis, and femur, Femur;
Osseous roof of the acetabulum
AP-radiograph of a 12-month-old boy.
** Y-shaped junction in the acetabular fossa
‘ “ Ossification centre in the epiphysis of the head of the fem ur
At this age, both greater trochanters only become apparent as sm all
protuberances of the bone of the diaphysis.